Summertime on the Farm!

My summer has been filled to date with travel and gardening….and that’s about it!  My what a busy time of year it is!  As I’m fairly new to gardening, I’m still learning lots about the processing of nature’s bounty.

Here’s a little bit of what has been accomplished with these tomatoes…..

Tomatoes & Okra

We’ve also canned or frozen squash, 3 kinds of peas, okra and made pickles and preserves….Yum!

Pickles & Preserves

Strawberry fig preserves – delicious!

I’ve also traveled several times with another trip upcoming later this week.

First, I joined my youngest son in celebrating his 23rd birthday with a trip to New Orleans accompanied by one of his brothers and his sister.  Our primary destination was the aquarium.  This is my favorite picture from the day….

I love our Creator’s imagination! This stingray looks like Casper the friendly ghost to me….

I also attended a once-every-three-years family reunion.  I missed the last one so it’s been quite a while since I’ve seen most of the family.  Here’s a photo of part of the group on the Ole Miss campus in front of the “Leavell” building.

I’m heading to Cedar Rapids, Iowa this week for a conference with Francis Frangipane.  You may recall he has been my teacher in the online class I took in the first 6 months of this year.  I’ve never been to Iowa that I recall and I’m definitely looking forward to the conference and the trip!

And for a little summertime beauty, check this out!  These are called “Four O’Clocks” and they bloom each day at–yes, you’ve got it–around 4:00 pm.  I’ve enjoyed watching them this summer and continue to stand amazed at God’s creativity!

 I’ll be back soon.  Until then, enjoy your summer and this beautiful summertime sunset!

Alabama sunset

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